Say Hello to Ettie

Ettie Rout was Aotearoa New Zealand’s first sexual health crusader.
Ettie Rout was Aotearoa New Zealand’s first sexual health crusader.
She gave a f*ck. And so should you.
While WWI raged around her, this formidable woman picked a different kind of fight - against sexually transmitted infections. Her battleground? Parisian brothels where soldiers swung from chandeliers. And got the clap.
Ettie created her own “prophylactic” kit and campaigned hard for safe brothels, like the famous Madame Yvonne’s.
Today, we're no less debaucherous. But we can be more sensible.
That’s why we’ve launched EttieKits® STI Rapid Tests.
Regular testing with EttieKits® not only keeps you safe, but your sexual partner(s) too.
Good on you for getting on top of your sexual health.
Ettie would be proud.
So go on. Get to it.

Who are we?
Ettie is founded by Angela Meyer, Tania Domett and Erin Jackson. We like to think we would have been great mates with Ettie Rout.
EttieKits® is a product of the PG Innovation Studio.